عن المدرسة

AlAnjal virtual School program is a rapidly growing form of online schools that students in grades K–12 attend outside the walls of a traditional classroom. The flexibility of our academic program and enrollment options, which include full-time, part-time, and single course enrollment, can accommodate the varied needs and interests of our students. The online instruction, which combines online seminar-style and directed-study courses on a flexible college-style class schedule, both encourages independence, discipline, and strong time-management skills and allows our students to pursue their diverse interests and exceptional talents.
Our virtual school program helps each student maximize his or her potential by combining:
• Strong parental involvement
• Expertise and accountability
• Flexible learning environment
By attending a K–12 online school, students learn outside the traditional classroom and beyond a homeschool program. They typically learn from home, but also from libraries, community centers, and occasionally from the field trips.

معلومات التواصل

مواعيد العمل  : من الساعة 6:00 ص الى الساعة 2:00 م
موقع المدرسة
الاعتماد الاكاديمي
احصائيات المدرسة
عدد المرافق
عدد الطلاب :

البوم الصور
تعليقات أولياء الأمور
ولي الامر

اضف تعليق

تقييمك للمدرسة قد يساعد غيرك في اتخاذ قرار افضل