عن المدرسة

We believe that a quality education is fundamental right of every child. All Children need the respect, encouragement and opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be a successful member of a global society. At the Learning Caravan International School we strive to deliver this. At the Learning Caravan we have qualified and experienced British Teachers. With good School Facilities located in the heart of Riyadh, we offer an excellent all-round Educational Experience

The Learning Caravan International School is a well established, reputable primary school following the British curriculum.

معلومات التواصل

مواعيد العمل  : من الساعة 6:00 ص الى الساعة 2:00 م
موقع المدرسة
الاعتماد الاكاديمي
احصائيات المدرسة
عدد المرافق
عدد الطلاب :

البوم الصور
تعليقات أولياء الأمور
ولي الامر

اضف تعليق

تقييمك للمدرسة قد يساعد غيرك في اتخاذ قرار افضل