عن المدرسة


The Vision of Sunshine School is to be recognized as a centre of educational excellence, providing a strong academic foundation for the intellectual development of our children to be lifelong learners under the Islamic principles.

. mission:

  • To prepare children to become self-reliant, strong individuals.
  • To educate the hearts and minds of children in both virtue and truth.
  • To teach them to grow intellectually with social and emotional maturity.
  • To provide quality, holistic education in an academic, spiritual, physical and social sphere.
  • To work with parents to discover their child's strength and encourage their child to realize their full potential
  • To enhance learning by identifying each child's learning style and creating a conducive fun-filled and joyous learning environment.
  • To promote in our students respect for themselves and for other cultures to remind them that we all share the same plant.
  • To inspire our program by the International Resources.

معلومات التواصل

مواعيد العمل  : من الساعة 6:00 ص الى الساعة 2:00 م
موقع المدرسة
الاعتماد الاكاديمي
احصائيات المدرسة
عدد المرافق
عدد الطلاب :

البوم الصور
تعليقات أولياء الأمور
ولي الامر

اضف تعليق

تقييمك للمدرسة قد يساعد غيرك في اتخاذ قرار افضل