عن المدرسة

Vision: Bright Minds aims to foster a caring and compassionate environment where school educators and the community unite to build internationally minded learners.

Mission: Bright Minds is dedicated to develop principled, knowledgeable critical thinkers, that contribute to the local and international community.

Curriculum: -The Preschool / Kindergarten Program

-Children are taught through a “hands-on” approach.

-Our teachers design their classroom spaces with “learning areas” at which children can freely choose.

-Our quality staff adds materials frequently to maintain and extend the child’s interest.

-Teachers create their own educational materials to meet the challenges, interests and abilities of the children.

-Our teachers follow the theory that endorses non-pressured, child-centered activities.

-Teachers guide with a solid child development base and strong problem-solving skills.

-In our program, parents truly become partners with the professional staff. -Information or discoveries about the child’s development are mutually shared.

- Program are tailored to the individual child.

Learning Experiences

-Routines include several activities geared to improve both social and academic skills.

-Each classrooms’ daily routine varies.

-Activities alternate between quiet and active, free play, and large group experiences.

-We provide activities centering on Critical Thinking, Social Studies, songs, large and small motor development.

-The school is developing their STEAM program to children’s future needs.

-An enrichment program that includes educational field trips is available.

-Volunteers are at the heart of our school and receive high recognition for their contributions.

-Dramatic play opportunities reinforce learning of practical life experiences. -Learning experiences take place indoor as well as outdoors.

معلومات التواصل

مواعيد العمل  : من الساعة 6:00 ص الى الساعة 2:00 م
موقع المدرسة
الاعتماد الاكاديمي
احصائيات المدرسة
عدد المرافق
عدد الطلاب :

البوم الصور
تعليقات أولياء الأمور
ولي الامر

اضف تعليق

تقييمك للمدرسة قد يساعد غيرك في اتخاذ قرار افضل